

The Marriage Ministry seeks to bring all married couples to the point where they purposely and intentionally live out the ministry of marriage as taught in God’s word. The husband and wife must understand that before fulfilling any ministry outside of the home, their ministry to one another takes precedence. Their involvement in other areas of their lives should be an outflow of the love, commitment, and respect the husband and wife have for each other.


The mission is to build strong marriages using God’s model of the relationship between Christ (The Groom) and His church (the Bride).

In Ephesians 5, Paul lays out the roles and responsibilities of the husband and wife toward each other. The wife seeks to submit and respect her husband while the husband should seek to love, cherish, and sacrifice for his wife. After laying out the roles and responsibilities, Paul ends the chapter by concluding he is really referring to Jesus Christ and the church. This means that the marriage between a husband and wife has as its primary purpose to reflect the relationship between Jesus Christ and the church.


“This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” (Eph. 5:32-33)

Andre Williams

Andre Williams

Pastor of Education

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